Friday, April 8, 2011

Please Housing?

My roommate and I were talking about where we are going to live next year. We decided that we were going to live together again, so that takes out a lot of stress with worrying about who you are living with the next semester. When we went on the housing website to find out where we are living next year, the site had no details. I went to the housing office to see if they could look it up in their system, but they said that they didn’t have that information yet. Why is it that they don’t have that information?

If we had that information now, we could schedule our classes around where we live and work out the timing so that we could have time to go home between classes and be able to schedule them so that we don’t have to wake up too early. For example, if we knew we were living in South, then a class in Thomas at 9:05 wouldn’t seem so bad, because they are practically across the street from each other. We could also prepare ourselves for the 20-minute walk in the cold, if we had a class in the Ford building from South. I feel that I would sleep better knowing where I’m going to be moving my stuff in a few short months.

I miss the days of not having a care in the world. Little details like figuring out where you have to move your stuff for the next semester can be really stressing to an individual. You would think that housing would make the process of figuring out where you are living readily available as soon as they sorted through all of the housing contracts, but I feel that is not the case. I don’t think they find pleasure in delaying the process, but I just wish they could get the information out faster so that my roommate and I didn’t have to wonder every day where we are going to be next year.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

Yesterday, I thought of many ways that I could prank my roommate for April Fool’s Day. After thinking about some pretty good ideas, I decided that it would just be too mean to prank my roommate. Apparently, he felt otherwise. I had to work today at 6:15 AM, so I set my alarm last night for 5:25 AM. While I was sleeping, my roommate reset my alarm so that it would go off an hour later, but he also moved the time back so that I wouldn’t be late for work, I would just think that I was late. Not only did he set back my alarm clock, he followed through with his prank by setting forward every other clock in the room so that I would truly believe I had woken up late. As I woke up this morning, I fell for the prank completely. I ended up running to work without taking a shower to find out that I was 40 minutes early.
When I got home from work today, he explained all of the follow up pranks that he was going to do as well, but chose not to.  He said that he was going to put quarters in the freezer and then put them in my shoes before I got up, and also jam the door with quarters so that I couldn’t get outside. I never would have thought that when I went to bed, my roommate had been plotting the entire time. Even though this was just a harmless prank, it gets me thinking about how you can never fully trust someone. When you watch those old James Bond type movies where a fellow agent or a close friend betrays the special agent, I never thought that I would fall for that. Reading people is an art, and I guess you can never fully know someone’s intentions.